Thursday, June 30, 2005

We're Home!

Wow, we made it. Our first real vacation since moving to Alabama and our first camping trip through the southeastern United States. It was a great joy to visit some historic sites and then to end our trip with visiting our daughter Sheri and family in Kentucky. We had almost perfect weather the whole time we were on the road. Didn't get hot until Friday when we arrived at Sheri's and no rain to speak of until the last night when we stopped at a KOA south of Knoxville, TN, before coming home. Had a lot of pitter-patter on our aluminum roof in the trailer as we slept. You get used to it though and next day was a short trip to Gadsden with clear skies.

We're glad to be home and have some things to do. Glad to be back at the church and getting ready for Sunday. Glad we've so many good friends, both here and those left behind. Glad that the Lord Jesus Christ loves us all and that he forgives us all our sins and strengthens our faith. Glad to be able to worship with the Herndon's at Our Savior Lutheran (LCMS). And glad we can now refreshed serve the Lord and his Church and his people at Trinity.

1 comment:

Earl Flask said...

I just found your blog, and it is very interesting!
