Sunday, January 30, 2005


Today has been very full with much to do and much to enjoy. First went to Talladega to conduct the worship service at Our Redeemer, our mission congregation. Then back to Gadsden as usual to worship at Trinity. We have a new Organ just installed several weeks ago and it sounds great. Its an Allen Renaissance 230e but similar to the Rodgers we installed at Anaheim when we built the new sanctuary there. We have also upgraded the sound system and improved it a lot over what we had before. New speakers, a new mixer console, new mics for the choir and in the chancel. Our church is very supportive and we really appreciate the people here.

Then, today, after service we went with some friends from church to see Riverdance at the Birmingham Jefferson Concert Hall. It was a facsinating show and we really enjoyed it. After the show we had dinner at Jim 'N Nick's BBQ in Trussville on our way back from Birmingham. Great meal and good fun. Butch and Mavis, Chuck and Mary, and Paul and Diane are great people to enjoy their company.

Got home and Nelda talked with Sheri to tell her all about our day and find out about hers. Check out Sheri's Blog at to get an update on her condition.

Today is also an historic day with the elections in Iraq. Our prayers are for our men and women serving over there, there families and the Iraquies themseleves. May God use their sacrifices to bring peace to the world in order that the Gospel may have free access and Christians in the Middle East may freely worship the Lord and serve him openly.

Saturday, January 29, 2005

Safely Home - Full Week Ahead

Made it home with Nelda today despite warnings of freezing rain on the return trip. We got rain all the way, but missed the icing that dumped itself on Georgia rather than ourselves. Was kinda foggy and cold through the Smokies in Tennessee but most of the trip was made in good time.

Sheri begins her chemo next week and will follow with radiation and other therapy, but we pray that by August she will have it behind her, including any traces of cancer. Pray with us that the Lord will give her the healing and help she needs and that her family will enjoy having her with them for many years to come.

Bad news on return regarding Jim Elmore's dad's passing this morning. Know he is with the LORD in heaven and will greet us all one day. He was a really good man, loved the Lord and faithful. He will be missed by his family. Glad Jim and his family could be with him at the end.

Lots to do this week, getting ready for Lenten services and planning for the new year. Want to involve the leadership and the congregation in helping all our members become regular in their worship and more active in fellowship in the Word and in fellowship. We have a great congregation and with our energy and faith I'm confident that Trinity will meet the challenge to faithfulness.

Meanwhile I'm glad to have Nelda home again. We (Liz, Nina and I) really missed her.

Thursday, January 27, 2005

Nelda Coming Home

Yea! After 3 weeks absence Nelda will come home from staying with our daughter during her recovery from surgery. Tomorrow a.m. I will drive up to Kentucky and on Saturday we will return to Gadsden. Weather could be a problem as an ice storm is forecast over the weekend that could extend all the way back, however I should miss most of it on the way up. We are grateful for all the prayers for Sheri and Nelda and for my trip to bring my wife home. Nina will be glad to see her!

Sunday, January 23, 2005

A New Year Update

My New Year's Resolution: Update this blog more often (among other things!).

A lot has happened since last Fall. Of course a great season of Thanksgiving to our Lord, a beautiful celebration of our Savior's birth and a lot of responses from our many friends to our Christmas greeting and letter. We have reported to many about our daughter Sheri's diagnosis of cancer and her subsequent surgery. We were glad to have her and her family visit with us for Christmas and worship with us before having the surgery. Nelda is still with them in Kentucky but will be returning home soon. We are encouraged and hopeful that Sheri's treatment will be 100% successful in eradicating any traces of cancer from her body and we praise and thank God for his strength and healing power.

May God bless all our friends and family in this new year of 2005.