Sunday, March 28, 2004

Today is another beautiful day in Northern Alabama. A Hi of 83 degrees with clear air and nice sky. It looks like it will be like this all week. Although we do need rain so hopefully we'll see it come in moderate fashion soon.
This morning we began morning worship services at our daughter mission church, Our Redeemer, in Talledega after some months of evening services there. The change back was well received by all who are coming. Hopefully we can get the work restarted and on a good track. The 35 mile drive for the 8:30 a.m. service was very pleasant and we returned to Trinity in Gadsden in plenty of time for preparations for the 10:45 a.m. service here.
Nelda and I have our new home in pretty good shape now. We ordered a new sofa and love seat for the living/family/dining/kitchen room. That should about do it for now - just a few finishing touches.
Sheri & kids are planning to come back next Saturday for a few days while they are on their Spring break. At least now we have TV and Hi-speed Internet access. That should help with the entertainment department.
Anyway, all is well here and we are truly enjoying our new life. God bless you'all, wherever you are.....

Tuesday, March 23, 2004

We are starting to get our new home and our new lives in Alabama in good order. Today we got our new drivers' licenses and began making arrangements for getting Alabama license plates for our vehicles. Even though we had to go to neighboring Glencoe to get our eyes checked and obtain authorization from the license examiner and then go to the county court house back in Gadsden to get our new licenses it only took less than an hour. Last time we went to Fullerton DMV to get a replacement license for Nelda it took nearly all day.

Enjoyed the Herndon visit. Took them to The Fisherman for dinner Saturday, a great local favorite resturant with plenty of atmosphere and great food. They left after church but will be back in two weeks for their Spring break. They have been very helpful with our move and unpacking our things.

Nina is adjusting to her new arrangements, but still doesn't like to be put into the utility room when we are gone or at night. At least she is now going up and down the back stairs from the deck. That makes it more convenient for letting her in and out.

Bad news: My satellite dish won't work because of all the trees around our house so we will have to go to cable. Had the Dish Network tech out today. Cable guy is coming on Thursday. Two problems: 1 - I will lose the convenience of my digital recording receiver that allowed me to record up to 30 hours of programming at the push of a button. 2 - I won't be able to get FSW that carries the Angel games. This means I will probably have to buy a new TIVO and use the internet to listen to the Angels. At least I now have DSL again. Oh well, sometimes you just have to make do!

Thursday, March 18, 2004

It has been a very busy two weeks since my last post. Here's a brief synopsis:
* On Sunday, March 14th, I was officially installed at Trinity after conducting my second Sunday service in the morning. At 4 p.m. The installation service was led by our circuit counselor Duane Maas. The processional was "Lift High The Cross" and the Responsive Reading was from Romans 12:1-8 and Ephesians 2:17-21. The Choir Anthem was "We Are The Church" and since Nelda and I had joined the choir I went to the choir loft in the balcony to sing with them then returned as our Head Elder Mark Thompson read Romans 10:8-15, 17 and then we sang "Lord of the Living Harvest (LW260) and heard Duane's very thought provoking message. After the choir and congregation sang "Here I Am, Lord" our district president, Rev. Kurtis Schultz conducted the Rite of Installation. Pastor Ken Fuehler who had just completed the Interim ministry at Trinity, Pastor Warren Rutland and Pastor Hal Hermetz of our circuit read the installation scriptures and then I made my vows and the congregation responded before the eight pastors present laid their hands in turn upon me with their blessing. I closed the service with prayer and the benediction and we recessed to "Glorious Things of You Are Spoken. The choir then ended with "How Firm a Foundation." The people of Trinity provided a wonderful reception follwing in the Fellowship Hall with a bountiful buffet and a beautifully decorated cake. I will put some pictures on my website.

*Then on Tuesday at 3 p.m. Nelda and I made our walk through before going to the attorney's office at 4 and signing the papers to take ownership of our new home. It was great to meet the seller and his wife. He had lived in the home since it was built in 1965. There were some construction needs that had to be finished, but we were able to begin moving in on Wednesday morning. I met the movers at the storage yard and led them to the house. Then at noon some ladies from the church (Debbie, Becky and Cathy) brought us lunch with enough to feed the movers and all of us. Mark came over and later came back to help us with several projects that needed doing. The new mattresses were delivered in the afternoon and it was wonderful not sleeping in the motor home.

* Today our new washer, dryer and refrigerator were delivered and the contractor finished the ceiling repairs. We brought the motorhome over from the campground and began unloading it. Nelda and I made a trip to Walmart for cleaning supplies and a few items we needed, including a new bed for our dog Nina. She still isn't sure what's going on.

* So things are beginning to take shape. Sheri and Sean are coming tomorrow and will be here Saturday and Sunday. Still lots to do, including getting ready for services at Trinity and Our Redeemer, but its beginning to feel like home.

* Thanks to all who have been praying and helping us. It has been a fantastic adventure. We love our church, our home, Alabama and all the people we have met. This is a terrific place to live and serve the Lord.

Sunday, March 07, 2004

Today was my first Sunday to conduct the worship service at Trinity Lutheran Church in Gadsden. It was a great blessing to be in the chancel and pulpit of my new church for Sunday morning. The people were there in good number as we gave our praise to God and sought his counsel in the Word. Today's service followed the Divine Service I with Holy Communion from Lutheran Worship. It is very close to the service used at Trinity Anaheim's traditional service as given in the Ambassador Hymnal. Except the musical settings in the liturgy are still unfamiliar to me so I will have to practice them.

This afternoon Nelda and I will travel to Talledega, about 35 miles south of here, and conduct a service for them at 5 p.m. followed by a Bible Study time.

We are still waiting to hear on the house, but the weather is great (after wind and rain Friday night). So all is well and God bless whoever reads this.
Pastor PJ's Stuff & Things He Likes

Thursday, March 04, 2004

Here's an update on our move to Gadsden, Alabama. Last Sunday we worshiped at Trinity, our new church, that we began serving on Monday. The people were wonderful and the service was very meaningful - traditional and in good taste. I'm glad we were able to worship as guests for our first Sunday here. Then Sunday afternoon we made an offer on the house that Nelda and I saw on Saturday that we liked best of all that we had seen. It has 1972 sq. ft., 3 bedrooms and 2 baths, with a great room including living, dining, family and kitchen - all open and comfortable looking. Enough space for Nelda's dining room set and large enough bedrooms for master, guest room and office. Our offer was accepted and we are in the process of getting into escrow. The house will need a few repairs that the owner says he will do and we hope it goes through quickly so we can move in by month's end. I'll put a picture on my family page to give an idea. It's exactly 2 miles from the church but in a nice secluded part of Gadsden, still close to the main street that the church in on.

Last night was our first service here, a mid-week Lenten service preceded by an excellent potluck meal in the church's fellowship room. This Sunday will be my first major service at 10:45 Central Time. Then at 5:00 p.m. I will conduct a service at the Talledega Preaching Station. This is a church being planted by Trinity with its own property and a double wide trailer for the services. I'm looking forward to both as an exciting day in the Lord.

Well, better go home to Nelda and Nina at the campground. We had an excellent lunch at the Community College. A buffet for over 55 seniors for 5.50 a person. It was a buffet with lots of good food. They do this every Thursday. Good eating places are in abundance here. Also the weather has been great these past several days, but thunderstorms are forecast for tomorrow night, then warm and sunny next week.

God bless all of our friends at Trinity, Mt. Calvary and all over. Write us an email if you get a chance. We've gotten some already but too busy to answer them individually right now. More later. Pastor PJ
Pastor PJ's Home Page

Wednesday, March 03, 2004

Praise the Lord for a successful journey to Alabama, our new home. Haven't been able to update lately as we have been busy house hunting and getting started in my new office at Trinity Lutheran Church, a place full of really great people. We have made an acceptable offer on the house that we liked. Now we are waiting for loan approval, house inspection and all the things needed to get into our new home here. Tonight is my first service with the Mid-Week Lenten service, preceded by a dinner in the Fellowship Hall. Nelda and Nina are still cooped up at the campground and we still have only the one car until the Herndon's bring our other one back down on the 19th. All is well and we are thankful to God and his people for bringing us here. More later.
Pastor PJ's Page