Sunday, January 30, 2005


Today has been very full with much to do and much to enjoy. First went to Talladega to conduct the worship service at Our Redeemer, our mission congregation. Then back to Gadsden as usual to worship at Trinity. We have a new Organ just installed several weeks ago and it sounds great. Its an Allen Renaissance 230e but similar to the Rodgers we installed at Anaheim when we built the new sanctuary there. We have also upgraded the sound system and improved it a lot over what we had before. New speakers, a new mixer console, new mics for the choir and in the chancel. Our church is very supportive and we really appreciate the people here.

Then, today, after service we went with some friends from church to see Riverdance at the Birmingham Jefferson Concert Hall. It was a facsinating show and we really enjoyed it. After the show we had dinner at Jim 'N Nick's BBQ in Trussville on our way back from Birmingham. Great meal and good fun. Butch and Mavis, Chuck and Mary, and Paul and Diane are great people to enjoy their company.

Got home and Nelda talked with Sheri to tell her all about our day and find out about hers. Check out Sheri's Blog at to get an update on her condition.

Today is also an historic day with the elections in Iraq. Our prayers are for our men and women serving over there, there families and the Iraquies themseleves. May God use their sacrifices to bring peace to the world in order that the Gospel may have free access and Christians in the Middle East may freely worship the Lord and serve him openly.

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