Saturday, June 07, 2008

Hot & Humid in Alabama

It's another hot and humid but dry day here in Alabama. Not much to write about except some musings of here and there. Looks like the Democrats have finally settled on their candidate for the presidential race with Hillary giving her concesssion speech (finally- oh, I already said that) today. Only other big news will be the outcome of the Belmont Stakes race and if Big Brown wins the Triple Crown or goes lame from his cracked hoof.

Did hear from son Pat in California with news concerning his employment options. Hope it works out for him.

Sermon for tomorrow is done, just need to go over it some more before tomorrow. The message is on Christian hope based on Romans 4:18-25. I will post it at the church's website when we get home. It takes me about 15 minutes to copy from my Olympus voice recorder to my laptop and upload it to the website. Christian hope is a very important benefit of Biblical Christianity as the Apostle Paul demonstrates from the story of Abraham in Genesis. Having done two funerals in the last 10 days I am especially reminded of the value having hope in Christ gives to us.

I'm still reading Dinesh D'Souza's book What's So Great About Christianity. I find his arguments very compelling and supporting my own conclusions in 40 years of studying the Christian religion. My only departure is his acceptance of a general view of evolution without Darwinian influenced conclusions that lead to atheism. His support for intelligent design is commendable, but I still see no scientifically determined absolutes that preclude a young earth creation as inferred from an inerrant Word of the Creator - the Bible. Dinesh is a good writer, however, and very thorough in his research. I appreciated some years ago his biography or Ronald Reagan, which I did complete and holds a key place in my home library collection.

Well, it's nearing race time and though I have no money riding on the race, curiosity needs its fulfillment.

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