Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Our Tour of Birmingham

Since Nelda and I have moved to Alabama we have been given a few local tours to some of the sites and places but hadn't gotten down as far as Birmingham just to see the town. So today with Tim and Liz we drove down to check it out. Visited the Aviation History Museum out by the airport and found it interesting. They had an SR71 Blackbird prototype on the field nearby along with a number of jet fighters from the cold war era. Inside was mainly examples from the early days of flight in the U.S.

Then we visited the Jazz Hall of Fame Museum in the old Carver Theater. Many of the early jazz musicians from the 30's up to the 90's were from Alabama. From there we went to Five Points near downtown - a five point intersection with some local shops and resturants. Had lunch at the Five-Point Grill then went out to the Summit Mall East of town on I549.

Got home about 4, barbequed some Bubba Burgers then went to Bible Study at church. It was a good day.

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