Christmas Greetings to Ya’ll,
2006 has been an eventful year for us as we near completing three years in our Alabama home. We feel we have settled in nicely here and continue to enjoy our new friends in our church, general good health (for our age!) and all the blessings of our Savior Jesus Christ.
We enjoyed camping with our Jeep & Trailer on several trips this year despite a little accident on the way home through Kentucky. Spent some time in Chattanooga, Nashville, Washington D.C., Ohio and Kentucky. Went to the Rio Grande Valley in Texas to help Jeanne & Ken* renew their 50th. Pomeroy had LCMS meetings in Jacksonville MS, Baton Rouge LA and St. Louis MO. Nelda has really gotten into knitting and helped start a class at church. We both visit the gym several times each week and with our closest church friends we usually “lift one” at a local pub and have Friday dinner at El Tapitio Mexican Restaurant each week. We continue to enjoy our daughter Liz living with us and the holiday visits of Sheri and her family when they come down from Kentucky. We do miss our other children this year, Tim in Utah, Pat & Jeri in So. Cal. But we hope 2007 will see us all get together at least once during the year.
We hope and pray that you too know the blessings of Jesus and his forgiving love and that you have a very merry little Christmas wherever you are. God bless you now and in the new year. May He come soon!
Love from the Heart of Dixie,
Pomeroy & Nelda Moore
* Pomeroy’s sister & brother-in-law living near the area we grew up in.
Merry Christmas !!!
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