Latourette wrote over eighty books, many of them on church history and missions. In the above statement he describes his point of view in the writing of his classic work, "History of Christianity." Few modern historians give such unqualifying credit to the Christian Gospel in such terms, let alone the recognition that it has been significant in its effect on the history of mankind.
Today the common theme of historical commentators and analyzers is more likely that of synthesizing all major religions and their histories in such a way as to claim a blend that thus represents God and his desires upon our lives. An example is the best-selling author of the book, "Where God Was Born," Bruce Feiler. In an interview on Fox News “Special Report,” Feiler expresses the view that God throughout history and especially with Abraham as a common ancestor to three major religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam, seems to be trying to establish a relationship with Himself that respects any faith-based approach. It is an appealing ideal, but is it valid or just another attempt to accept the “many ways to God” version of politically- correct religion? "The only force strong enough to take on religious extremism," he concludes, "is religious moderation."
But if we are to take Jesus at his word, surely he advocates no “moderation” in our religion, either believed or expressed. Yes, Christianity claims exclusionary rights and privileges. To “moderate” them would mean to lessen the intensity or extremeness of our view. Is that appropriate to faith? If moderation in behavior is all that is intended, then we agree to the extent that we should love our neighbors, treat them as we wish to be treated, respect them as persons and accept them as far as we can without moral conflict. There are limits to the expression of our faith as witnesses too. We are not called to brow beat or berate those who do not wish to hear the Gospel, assuming they know what it is. We are to exhibit the truth in love. But we should be careful not to accept the idea that it doesn’t matter what one believes.
Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. What we believe really matters. And the truth that God has revealed throughout Scripture and especially in the Gospels is for everyone, whether they know it or not. And though we may be uncomfortable and will certainly be challenged by many who think us wrong to make insistence, we have been called to the very purpose of proclaiming the exclusionary message of Jesus Christ. He is the only Savior. He is the only way. His is the only life that will live forever in the grace and forgiveness of an Almighty God who wants everyone to come to the truth and be saved.
See you in Church,

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