Monday, February 02, 2009


"Darwin Day is a global celebration of science and reason held on or around Feb. 12, the birthday anniversary of evolutionary biologist Charles Darwin. This year marks the 200th anniversary of Charles Darwin's birth."

Thus states the Institute for Humanist Studies website for organizing celebration events in memory of Charles Darwin and his instrumental work On the Origin of Species first published in 1859. Answers In Genesis, a Biblical Creationist organization, in their January-March issue of Answers magazine encourages all Christians to dig a little deeper in their understanding of the issues and evidence regarding the “science” of evolution that itself has evolved since Darwin’s theoretical propositions. This emphasis is particularly important at present in view of the growing indoctrination in our public media, schools and government at all levels and in every area affecting our knowledge and beliefs.

We are seeing more and more a hardening against anyone who holds to the necessity of a Creator or who incorporates a belief in the Bible into their views on scientific evidence and the origin of life or species thereof. Increasingly anyone who criticizes Evolution of its essential validity, despite many weaknesses and unsupported conclusions, is considered ignorant, fanatic and out of touch with reality. All true scientists, it is claimed, accept the general theory as unquestionable and voices to the contrary are rightly subject to ridicule.
The basic tenets of Evolution are that science can only deal with nature and matter and these can only be evaluated in terms of time, chance and Nature’s laws. Good enough, but the overriding bias that we see today is the importance of eliminating God or the possibility of an outside intelligence in the equation at all. In effect for all practical purposes Evolution has become a faith based universal religion that is not to be questioned.

However, on the other side the Christian should know that they are being maneuvered into a corner, they are being dismissed as irrelevant and that even their values are being questioned and in many cases discarded. The victims will be our children and grandchildren, if not including ourselves. The most significant evidence of this is the effect on national policies favoring abortion of unborn children and embryonic stem-cell research.

Yes, the Christian community, i.e.: people in our churches, need to wake up, dig in and try to understand the issues and the facts concerning the glorifying celebrations they will be hearing about in this Year of Commemoration for Charles Darwin. There are scientific disputes by true and legitimate scientists who disagree with Evolution’s consensus. There are alternative scientific theories of beginnings and the development of life on our planet that do not contradict Christian beliefs and the Bible that supports them. But you will not hear much about them, either in public media, our schools or institutions of government. You will have to dig for it – but its there and in abundance. Just remember, if you hear only part of the evidence and believe it you have been indoctrinated. But if you examine all the evidence and then you make a decision, you have been taught.