Wednesday, March 22, 2006


After planning a camping trip to the Cheaha Resort State Park with our trailer in March, we changed our plans since thunderstorms were forecast for the time we planned to go. So instead we went to Nashville, where I think Nelda really wanted to go in the first place. Stayed at a Good Sam Park close to Opryland and had a great time. Took the backstage tour of the Grand Old Opry on Friday, then went to the early show on Saturday evening. They had a shuttle from the campground so didn't have to find parking at a sold out show. Pam Tillis and Little Jimmie Dickens were the MC's and the show was a lot of fun. Two hours of good entertainment and when we got home the next week we got to see part of it again on the GAC channel. Sunday night we went to a dinner show at a theater next door to the campground. It to was a great program and the food was pretty good. Opryland is on the outskirts of Nashville where Grand Old Opry moved in 1974 from the Ryman downtown. They still do shows at the Ryman in winter but had already moved back to the newer theater complex when we were there. Did try to visit the Ryman and other downtown sites but the NCAA SEC Basketball championships were going on and traffic was crazy and no parking anywhere so we gave that up for another time. There also is a huge outlet mall called Opry Mills adjacent to the Opryland theater complex so spent some time, but not much money, there. Our weather turned out great. Rained the first night after we got set up and didn't rain again until we got home Monday. Then Monday night we had our first severe tornado threat warning. All prepared to go to our "safe room" a a solid brick windowless basement room under our deck, but the storm fizzled out and bypassed us at the last minute.

The Liberty does a great job pulling the trailer. No problems so far and we make it up the grades no problems. A little larger wheelbase and engine would be better I'm sure, but the trailer trails very nicely with the anti-sway bar hitch assembly. I'm quite happy with it and we love the Jeep. I had just got a TomTom GPS that mounts on the dash and it guided me through all the interchanges around Nashville and directly to the campground just fine. I also have a portable XM radio that I had professionally mounted in the Jeep but which I can also use in the house, office or trailer. The Jeep came with SIRIUS but then they dropped Fox News Channel in December, so decided to change over to XM before renewing SIRIUS for another year (the first year was included in the purchase of the Jeep). Of course, after doing all this SIRIUS picked up Fox again but too late. Besides I like the portablility of my XM radio. I can even clip it to my belt and listen although the built in antenna isn't as good as the car and home one's are.
Oh yes, while in Nashville we attended services at an ELCA church near the campground. It actually was a good service, much like TLC Anaheim and a "male" pastor who seemed quite biblical, conservative and competent. Enjoyed the service and the sermon. Nelda said it reminder her of Cursio. Communion by Intincture with choice of wine or grape juice. We, of course, chose the wine!